
Beautiful, easy and incredibly popular

The hydrangea is a versatile plant. It works just as well in a colourful garden as in a minimalist setting. It can thrive both in a bed and in pots. Most varieties originate from Asia, but the hydrangea feels completely at home here. 


Hello hydrangea

The hydrangea is a strong plant with flowers that bloom from spring until deep into the autumn and continue to do so even if you prune it. The flowers come in many colours. The colour palette ranges from snow white to ice blue, faded pink to dark purple, lemon yellow to bright red.

Before buying a hydrangea, check where its favourite positioning is. There are many different varieties, and they each have a preference for full sun, partial sun, or shade.

Some hydrangeas can be used very effectively as cut flowers. Use them to make a beautiful summery bouquet from the garden. Once the hydrangeas have finished flowering, you can still enjoy the beautiful heads. These should only be removed in the spring. 

Good to know:

  • The hydrangea is very strong and virtually impervious to disease.
  • Hydrangeas evaporate a lot of water, so make sure you give them plenty.
  • Make sure the pot soil drains well.