No matter your level of experience with plants and gardening, having plants in your home is always a good idea. They have many health benefits and can help to improve air quality, aid in relaxation, dampen noise, increase productivity and generally create a warm, pleasant atmosphere in your home.
Check out our tips on houseplant care here to get started. Once you've got the basics down, it's time to find a plant that's forgiving and easy to look after.

A cactus might be a bit of a cliche of a low maintenance plant, but it's a classic for a reason. If any plant is known for its ability to survive extreme conditions, it's the cactus. Cacti need very little water and can endure long periods of drought. They can survive in high amounts of direct sunlight and are generally very easy to care for.

2. Zamioculcas zamiifolia
Zamioculcas zamiifolia, also known as ZZ plant, is part of the succulent family. With its shiny small leaves, this easygoing houseplant is not only beautiful to look at, but is practically immortal and can go for a long periods without water. In the winter, this plant can go without water for around 4 weeks, as it stores water in its underground bulbs.
You can put the ZZ plant just about anywhere, including a sunny windowsill, a shaded corner or a a spot with indirect bright light. Just make sure it's getting natural daylight and it'll be happy.

3. snake plant
The snake plant is known for its durability and stylish, sturdy leaves that stick straight out of the earth. This desert plant can easily go several weeks without water. It will thrive in a sunny spot, but shines just as brightly in a dark corner. In short, it's pretty indestructible and perfect for a forgetful caretaker!

4. spider plant
Spider plants need a relatively large amount of water, but otherwise are very easy houseplants. The air-purifying plant with spiky leaves does well in both a sunny and semi-shaded spot. The spider plant likes its soil to be continuously slightly moist, so it needs water once or twice a week (the sunnier the spot, the more often it needs watering). If you forget to water it once or twice, however, it won't mind.

5. Dracaena
An easy plant that needs infrequent watering is the Dracaena, or dragon's blood tree. This hardy houseplant is characterised by its multiple stems, from which beautiful leaves grow. Dracaena stores moisture in its stem(s), so it's not a big deal if you forget about the plant for a few weeks. Let the soil dry out between waterings, as this plant doesn't like wet feet. Dracaena needs little light, and does well in places with indirect sunlight or in shaded areas.

6. Monstera
Monstera is a stylish houseplant that needs little care and makes a beautiful statement in any home. It needs to be in a light spot but not in the sun to thrive, such as a few metres away from a window. Water this plant regularly and make sure the potting soil dries out slightly between waterings, but never let the root ball dry out completely. Monstera likes high humidity, so occasionally spritzing it with a plant spray will do it a world of good!

7. golden pothos
Golden pothos is a fast-growing climbing and hanging plant. It's a popular choice for indoor environment such as offices because of its highly air-purifying qualities, as well as the fact that it quickly adds greenery to a room and is hard to kill. Give golden pothos a spot in the shade or semi-shade and water it once every fortnight to keep the potting soil slightly moist. If it's getting too big, this plant is easy to propagate thanks to its accessible aerial roots

8. Succulents
Succulents are a crucial addition to our list of hardy houseplants. These plants store moisture in their roots, stems and leaves, so they can survive drier periods without any problems. It's better to water them a lot at once and then not at all for a few weeks, rather than a little water every week. Succulents like to be in a warm, light spot, such as on the windowsill. You have a lot of choice of colours and styles of succulents, but they're all hardy. Popular succulents include Aloe Vera, Euphorbia and Agave.

9. Yucca
Hardy yucca also needs little water. Much like the Dracaena, this houseplant has one or more stems with beautiful green leaves. The plant uses these stems to store water, among other things. Don't water your Yucca until the top layer of the potting soil is dry. They like a lot of light, so give it a sunny spot but be careful with direct sunlight, especially with young plants. An ideal spot is near to a south-facing window.

10. fern palm
Fern palm is a slow grower, regularly unrolling new leaves that resemble feathers. Water the plant once every fortnight in summer and once a month in winter. Fern palms hate to have wet feet, so be aware of how often you're watering it. Place this plant in a warm, light spot, but not in direct sunlight.
Have you picked your new hardy houseplant? Discover more tips for houseplant care here. If yo've got the bug and want to maximise the amount of green in your home, discover these three XL houseplants that will bring the drama to your living room.