Twenty interiors from all over the world in which plants play a leading role have been captured for Wonderplants. Only read this book if you don’t mind turning a little green yourself - with envy!

Urban Jungle
If you would like more plants in your home and want some inspiration and handy tips, Urban Jungle will guide you. With examples from all over the world you can create an urban jungle in no time.

From roof gardens to balconies, greenhouses and hidden courtyard gardens, Evergreen welcomes you into the most remarkable green places right under your nose. Revel in the greenery and the inspiration!

Paris in bloom
Paris is always a good idea. And when Paris is blooming, the city of light is also the city of love and the city of flowers. Book a ticket to Paris and leaf through this book on the plane. Wow!

Botanical style
How do you add botanical elements to your interior? Selina Lake provides the answer in her book Botanical Style. Expect loads of romantic influences, liberated Seventies vibes and surprising twists.