A floral feast in one square metre is, of course, a feast for the eyes. The great thing is that you don't need a big garden or border for it as you can plant the flowers on a growing table or in bags! To make sure the party lasts as long as possible, check out the tips at the bottom of this article.
you will need
- Colourful flowering plants of your choice. You can choose your own colour palette, or take inspiration from our orange/pink colour palette. In our example, we used: Astilbe, Sunflower (Echinacea), Patio Gerbera XXL, Flowering garden fern (Incarvillea delavayi), Large-flowered spray rose (myveta), Chilli pepper, Japanese sourberry (Berberis Thunbergii Harlequin), Shrub Veronica (Hebe), Begonia, Hydrangea and Eucalyptus
- Growing table or planter of about 1 metre squared (if you have a balcony/terrace or no border in your garden), or a border of about 1 metre squared in your garden
- Potting compost (for planter) or garden compost (for border)
- Spade
- Bucket (filled with water)
how to make it
- Fill a bucket with water. Feel which plants have very dry soil and give them a good dunk into the bucket.
- Are you making a border? Lightly dig the current soil so that the plants can grow well later on. Add some garden soil to improve the quality of the soil and mix it with the rearranged soil. Are you making your party in a grow table? Then fill it with potting soil.
- Think about which plant goes where. Alternate tall plants with low plants and eye-catchers with evergreens.
- Plant the plants one by one in the border. Start with the evergreens (such as flowering garden ferns and eucalyptus). Continue with the eye-catchers (such as Patio Gerbera XXL, sunshade and Astilbe). Finish with any plants you want to use for filler.
- Time to enjoy your flower party!
- Don't just think about colourful plants but don't forget beautiful evergreens (such as flowering garden ferns). Also vary the flowering times of different plants. In this way, you create an attractive squad at your party all year round.
- When choosing your plants, consider the location of your garden or balcony and choose sun- or shade-seekers accordingly. This is usually indicated on the plant label.
- If you want to take your colourful plant party to an even higher level, consider companion planting by making strategic plant choices.
Could you use even more inspo to green up your living environment? How about creating a green balcony, or ready-made border plans for your outdoor space? And of course, for your daily dose of inspiration, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest!