Banana plant
"The banana is an exotic plant which in its natural habitat just keeps getting bigger. It becomes so big that one day you might have to cut a hole in your roof! Luckily things won’t get that bad in my house." - André de Waard, online marketer

Ficus lyrata
"Isn’t the Ficus cute? You could amongst get lost amongst the bright green leaves. My home is gradually turning into a jungle. Maybe I should give away a plant to a friend soon, but the Ficus lyrata will definitely be staying!" - Lisa van Holstein, conversation manager

"The variegated leaves of the Calathea, with beautiful veins and purple backs, are a delight to look at. They’re in keeping with the playful, eclectic interior in my home. This plant is also known for moving a lot. As an energetic person I can completely identify with that!" - Tessa Triesscheijn, conversation manager

"I’m happy to admit that I don’t have green fingers. A cactus needs little care, but does lend ‘body’ to your home. I have lots of them, ranging from small to head height and from ball-shaped to the classic cactus from Westerns. I can’t get enough of them. Even my iPhone has a cactus wallpaper ..." - Moniek Kuipers, conversation manager

"My favourite plant is the African hemp, particularly because of the unusual leaves. The foliage is a fresh green colour, and sometimes when the light shines on them the leaves almost seem transparent. There’s something delicate and fragile about it that I adore." - Monique Kemperman, campaign manager plants

"I secretly prefer flowers, but since I’ve been working here I have to admit I have a soft spot for Scindapsus. And I’m not alone - my two cats love the sturdy trunk. Unfortunately plants have a lot to put up with in my house…" - Susan Iping, campaign manager flowers

Alocasia Zebrina
"It was tricky to choose between the stylish and hip Monstera and the idiosyncratic Alocasia Zebrina or zebra plant. I find the heart-shaped leaves combined with the colourful stems to be a great combination. A unique daredevil who fits well with my personal taste." - Esther de Waard, brand manager