a green lamppost
If there is little room for trees and plants in your neighbourhood, if for example because you live in a narrow street, be creative. A green climbing plant turns a lamppost into an eye-catcher in no time. If you have more space or a wide pavement, surround lampposts with beautiful potted plants, such as dahlias, pampas grass and marechal. Got a taste for greenery? Then consider greening up your front door, too.

If you're lucky enough to have your own driveway, chances are it could use a bit more greenery too. Transform it with beautiful potted blooms, such as hydrangeas and giant dogwood. This will give yourself and your guests a surprisingly warm welcome and put you in a good mood every time you arrive home.

If your surroundings are already pretty green, think about how you can make them even greener! Take a look at the trees in your garden or neighbourhood. Do they make a green impression, or could they be a bit greener? By planting a 'mirror' of greenery around the base of a tree*, you give the space around the bare trunk a green metamorphosis.
The plants you choose are entirely up to you, but make sure that your choices are geared to the location of the tree mirror. Lots of sun? Then choose plants such as autumn aster, cattail, lavender, marjoram, daisy, sage and soapwort. For a tree mirror in the shade, it is better to choose plants such as lady's mantle, lungwort, creeping honeysuckle, stork broom and lesser periwinkle. Do you have green fingers and prefer annual flowers? Then African marigolds, bulrush, cosmos, poppies or forget-me-nots are a good match. In our example below, we used white chrysanthemums and silvergrass.

Creating an insanely green feeling in just one square metre is easier than you might think. Surround your green friend with different kinds of plants for a beautiful effect. Tip: adding herbs not only makes for beautiful greenery, but also delicious tastes and smells!
To make your plants shine together and separately, choose plants that need similar growing conditions (light, air, water). In other words, mix and match your plants according to the principle of companion planting. In the example below, we have surrounded a fig tree with autumn anemone, sage, thyme, rosemary and echinacea. We assure you, it doesn't get any greener!

Do you have a shed, gazebo or other canopy that you can add some hanging or climbing greenery to? Just do it! You can achieve a great effect with minimal modifications. In this example, we used Hedera helix (ivy) for the canopy. The advantage of ivy is that it stays evergreen, grows relatively quickly and has an insulating effect. So you are less bothered by the bright sun in summer, and the ivy helps keep out the cold in winter!

Need more greenery and a touch of romance, and have an old wall suitable for placing a green climber against? Then a rose wall is the perfect way to green up your garden, balcony or patio. Added bonus: the velvety rose petals bring colour and fragrance to your garden! In our example, we used climbing roses like the Paul's Scarlet Climber (red) and Myveta (pink).

Could you use even more inspo to green up your living environment? How about creating a green balcony, or making colourful plant magic in just one square metre? And of course, for your daily dose of inspiration, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest!
*Before you start, check whether you need permission from your local council, if there are any rules you need to follow or if there are any grants you could apply for.