Introducing the fish bowl planter

Two lives, one pot: Where fish and plants live in harmony

The brainchild of design duo Sheng-Zhe Feng and Ling-Yuan Chou, this ingenious planter-cum-aquarium is a beautiful illustration of the cycle of life. Fish and plants not only live side-by-side in this stylish ying and yang inspired bowl – they thrive in a mutually beneficial relationship.

How it works

The fish waste acts as a fertiliser for the plant, while the plant serves as a natural filtering system for the water, by absorbing nitrate pollutants – the perfect symbiosis.

The benefits

With its clean lines and simple, modern design, the planter would look equally stylish in an office or on a living room sideboard. What’s more, the clever design makes for humid plant conditions, which means less demand for watering making it as practical as it is beautiful.

Fish-friendly plants

When choosing a plant to partner up with your fish, opt for something that will work with the design of the bowl. We love the attractive heart-shaped leaves of the philodendron.

A new trend?

Not the only designers to cotton onto this special relationship between plants and fish, Benjamin Graindorge has created his own version of the aquarium-planter with his spectacular Floating Garden. Do we spot a trend emerging here?