Potpourri for your balcony
Lavender is bursting with good characteristics. Not only are its appearance and fragrant outstanding, but it’s also the ideal companion when it comes to care. It can cope with heat and with wind, in small pots that you hang up or in larger containers as potpourri for your balcony. The fragrance also has a calming effect, so that you will be even more relaxed when you sit outdoors in future. And completely carefree: it’ll bloom again next year!
Choosing the Balcony Plant of the Year
'Balcony Plant of the Year’ is an initiative from the Flower Council of Holland. Every year a media jury made up of editors of lifestyle, interiors and garden magazines, vloggers and bloggers examines five candidates at the Flower Council’s request to pick the balcony plant which most appeals. For 2018 it's lavender, because more greenery, more colour and more fragrance makes everyone happier, particularly up high.