What greenery does for you
We’ve mentioned before that you feel better with plants, both indoors and outdoors. They purify the air, help you relax and give your eyes something lovely to gaze at. In addition, gardening is good for you and plants can discourage mosquitoes. If you’ve got a big garden, you can create a kitchen garden, whilst in a courtyard there’s always room for a few herbs that taste of the sun.
What greenery does for wildlife
Plants are not just good for people - wildlife loves them as well. The more paving slabs you remove, the more space there is for plants, flowers or weeds (and they also include some fabulous species!). All that attracts small visitors. Hence flowering plants like buddleja attracts fluttering butterflies to your garden. Bees are having a hard time, so give them a helping hand by planting particular plants. And one more wildlife tip: we previously explained how a somewhat messy autumn garden is the ideal haunt for hedgehogs. Another reason for getting rid of your stark garden.
What greenery does for your environment
There’s one final argument for removing some paving from the garden. With climate change, flooding when it rains heavily and large quantities of CO2 and particulates in the air, every bit of extra greenery is a bonus. Rainwater can drain more easily, and trees and plants purify the air. Good for you, good for the neighbours, good for the planet.
Want to find out more?
Looking for tips for transforming your paved garden into a green nirvana or want to find out more about garden plants? Then vist the Garden plants section of this website.