Combine nature
There's plenty of room on the table, because you hang the plants above it in hanging gardens: little gardens packed with white and yellow petunias, geraniums, Verbena, Callibrachoa and the 'balcony plant of the year' fuchsias, which grow and flower all summer long. Your patio is best filled with large containers with a natural look and shiny pots packed with greenery and unusual plants such as white Passiflora, wonderfully scented Mandevilla or a pyramid of white flowering fuchsias. White Hebe in containers and the border of your garden makes a nice addition to your garden's backdrop - a lovely evergreen with a luxury feel. This natural spot is a luxury resort for yourself and for nature. Everything has a place here. When you’re enjoying the garden alone, fill the table with geometric containers full of white roses with their beautiful fragrance. You will want to come home to this garden this summer!