Physalis or Chinese lantern plant
Most flowers don’t have this much charisma on a single branch. Luckily Physalis still has no airs and graces, and effortlessly makes a big impression with its paper-like lanterns. A golden winter glow that keeps drawing your eye.
Solo or in company
Physalis can work a lot of looks. A single branch in a beautiful vase means the lanterns get all the attention they deserve. If you combine it with Gloriosa and Chinese lantern lily (Sandersonia Aurantiaca) you create an autumnal still-life that will make you pause for a moment. Which gives your bouquet room to shine even more impressively.
Beautiful outside, beautiful inside
The lanterns also contain a secret: an orange berry. You’re bound to have come across the sharp and sweet berry on your plate, as a topping on a cake or on your dessert. The lantern shelters and protects the berry - a nice thought during bleak autumn days. Be careful: not all varieties are suitable for consumption. Always check with your florist.
Want to read more about the Physalis?
The Green Gallery features a very special trend story about the Physalis. You can find more background information about the Chinese lantern plant in the flower dossier.