Keep your plants alive with watering gadgets

5 innovative ways to water plants

We enjoy cooling off from the summer heat with a refreshing dip. The same goes for your plants – they like nothing better than regular drinks of water when the weather gets hot. These watering gadgets will do the job for you, so you can get back in the pool.


These glass watering stones from Kikkerland will water your plant little by little over a 3 to 4 period, so the soil never dries out.


Bördy the bird is available in different sizes. The larger ones will keep your plants watered for fifteen days. It comes in handy when you’re setting off on that longed-for holiday.

Wine connossieur 

When you’ve finished the bottle of wine, rinse out the interior and fill it with water. Then use the Hydro Wine adapter from Bio Green to transform the wine bottle into a watering system. 


Another easy solution from Kikkerland is this peaceful garden aid in the form of a crystal, which works in the same way as its cousin the stone.

Water droplets

Fill the water drippers of Muurla with water and stick them deep into the soil, near the roots. The soil will let through as much water as the plant requires, making this a very useful gadget.




If your gardening style errs on the side of caution, then opt for one of these heat-resistant garden plants, and follow these extra tips to keep your plants in top form.