Strawberries, officially called Fragaria, are classic summer fruit. Fragaria is a member of the Rosaceae family, which also includes other fruity stars like apples, pears, plums, cherries, apricots, peaches, blackberries and raspberries. There are hanging and climbing strawberry plants which are subdivided into early, mid-season and late varieties, as well as all-season varieties. If you plant varieties for different periods, you can carry on harvesting for a nice long time. Strawberries are easy to look after, and give you the ultimate ‘green finger’ feeling, even if you don’t actually have green fingers at all.
The strawberry originates from North and South America. It made the crossing to Europe midway through the 18th century. Crossbreeding has produced the current strong varieties which fruit readily and are less prone to disease. The strawberry symbolises the perfect friendship.
Strawberries are ripe when they’re entirely red. Pick them carefully without squeezing.
Strawberries also grow wild in nature. They are then smaller and less tasty.
Fresh strawberries are incredibly healthy and have a high vitamin C content. Another reason for picking lots from your own garden.