DIY: bath salts with begonias

Easy to make yourself

Dried flowers add colour and fragrance to your bath, and have a gentle effect on the skin. What more could you want from a bath product? Let the bath run while we tell you how to make your own bath salts with begonia and roses.

DIY: badzout met de bloemen van de begoniaplant
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you will need

  • 250 grams of Himalayan salt or sea salt from the Dead Sea
  • Dried flower petals from, for example, begonias and roses
  • Optional: essential oils such as rose, lavender, eucalyptus or rosemary

how to make it

Dry the flowers by hanging them in a well-ventilated place, or you can dry them in the oven on a low setting. 

Make sure you have a clean jar with a lid. Mix the salt with the essential oil in a bowl - for 250 grams of salt, you need around 20 drops of oil. Rose oil relaxes, a bath with lavender oil promotes sleep, and eucalyptus and rosemary have a refreshing effect. Add a handful of dried flower petals. To finish off, decorate your bath with fresh begonias.

Get the bathroom ready for your cocooning moment with a nice playlist, a delicious drink, lit candles and a steaming bath made with your homemade bath salts! The bath salts cleanse and exfoliate and the essential oils and flowers give your skin a velvety kiss. Enjoy it, you've earned it!


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