Once you have found a suitable sunny spot for your picking garden (in a flowerbed or in boxes, pots or containers), your picking garden adventure can begin. Think together about what your picking garden will look like. What are your favourite flowers? What are your favourite colours and smells?
Try to tailor the garden as much as possible to your wishes. You might want to take a look at these tips for creating a picking garden, make a list of what you need and visit the garden centre together. For inspiration, in the picture above, we used red honeysuckle, neckwort, lavender and sage.
enjoy in moderation
It is good to keep cutting in your picking garden, because cut flowers will give way to new flowers. But are you getting the jitters because you are afraid that your offspring will cut all the flowers at once? Then create a separate mini picking garden where the kids can do their own thing. Chances are, they will be delighted with the responsibility over their own colourful blooms and proud of the mini bouquets (for grandma and grandpa or other flower-lovers) which you can make together! If a picking garden is not a success, you can always keep the kids entertained with these 6 fun outdoor activities for children.
don't forget to relax
Relaxation is just as important as effort. And that's good, because gardening has a relaxing effect! And the best part is that you don't just relax while gardening, but also afterwards. Put a rug on the ground, plop down and enjoy all that blossoming confetti together. And of course, you should do that with a thirst-quenching summer drink in your hand.
Need some more picking garden inspiration? Then discover how to create a picking garden full of colourful plants or discover the DIY steps to create a picking garden. And don't forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest!

In the above example, we used cosmea, daisy, sunflower, lampshade grass and marigold.