How to make a fern-adorned chandelier

Elevate the fern to new stunning heights

If the word chandelier conjures up images of the huge, opulent, cut glass ceiling lights you find in stately homes and grand hotels, it’s time to rethink your old preconceptions.

Inject with lush green!

We love this stunning minimalist DIY test tube chandelier from the Once Wed blog. While it has been designed as a stylish addition to a contemporary wedding, we think it would look equally beautiful at home in a design-lover’s house or hanging over a festive dining table.

Here, the ingeniously simple circle of test tubes are given a botanical twist with feathery fronds of fern but you can also add an array of colourful blooms should you wish to bring the minimalist design to life with a riot of colour.

Pssssst! The fern is also the muse of the new second edition of The Green Gallery if you wanted to know more about this fresh new fern craze that's making a huge comeback!

What you’ll need:

  • Raid your houseplant (in a nice way!) for a couple of bunches of ferns (it is also a good time of the year to cut them back a bit so you don't have to feel guilty)
  • 65 test tubes (25 for bottom, 4o for top)
  • Gold wire
  • Wire cutters
  • Gold spray paint
  • 12” and 18” wreath form

How to make it:

1. Spray paint wreath forms gold and put aside to dry.

2. Cut gold wire into 70 x 10” pieces, three x 15” pieces, 4 x 25” pieces.

3. Take 10” piece of wire and wrap around test tube in an “X” shape, twisting the ends together to form a tight cage for the test tube to rest inside

4. Attach wire to wreath form in a “W” shape

5. Repeat with all test tubes

6. Using the 15” pieces, attach the upper and lower forms together.

7. Attach the 25″ pieces to the largest piece and anchor on four corners, bringing each wire to center and twisting them around one another to form a cord of wire.  

The above is our edited version of the DIY project. For the full step-by-step tutorial, head to the Once Wed blog – or pour over more beautiful images at Philosophy Flowers.