Plenty of palms
Cats and dogs get along well with some, but not all, palms. The Bamboo Palm can offer them shade and shelter, and the Parlor Palm is also considered a safe choice. The Kentia Palm is another pet-friendly favourite that adds a tropical feel to any room, but be careful to avoid the Sago Palm which is harmful to animals.

Gnaw on some Nolina
If your cat is always keen to get a taste of your favourite plant, how about adding some Nolina to your home? The green plant needs don't need too much watering and is non-toxic so your pets can gnaw away at the leaves!

A shelf of spider plants
The spider plant is a popular choice for pet owners as cats and dogs enjoy nibbling on this non-toxic plant. Eating too much could cause illness so it's an idea to store these on a shelf to keep your plant and pets looking healthy.

Keep it colourful
If you're looking to add some colour to your home that won't upset your pets, how about the Blushing Bromeliad? This special species of the colourful Bromeliad family is known for its red centre that appears before it flowers. In fact, all of the Bromeliad family are a great option for animal owners.

Always be careful
No matter how much your pet appears to like a plant, if they eat part of it and start to show a bad reaction, The Dogs Trust advises you to contact your veterinary surgeon for immediate treatment and advice. It's always better to be on the safe side so both your pets and plants can live in perfect harmony!