Some of us have home offices at our disposal, others spend their time drumming on their laptop keyboard at the kitchen table. Because plants come in all shapes and sizes, there's always one that will be able to keep us company, wherever we set up our desk space at home. Greenery in the home relieves stress and helps us to concentrate better, which is exactly what we need in this new working-from-home period.
Make your home office green
1: Privacy in green
While it is nice to share a home office with your roommate or partner, a little privacy and some space is needed for concentration. Fortunately, you can count on the help of our beloved green growers in this. Plants are ideal for creating a natural barrier between you and your office collegue that is also aesthetically pleasing. For example, combine tall plants such as Kentia with large, wide plants with large leaves, such as Monstera.

2: Hang your plants!
Is your home office too small for a plant wall? Hang it from the ceiling instead! There is always room above your workplace. Are you stuck at work or do you need a moment of reflection? Lie down and take a look at your ceiling art – for example Scindapsus, Saw Cactus or ivy - will help.

3: Wall plants
What's the great thing about Plant Design? The possibilities are endless. If your desk and ceiling are not an option, you could us a wall. Install a hanging planter, either one or many for a gallery of green.
If there's one person who's convinced that humans aren't designed to work in a plant-free world, it's biophilic designer Alexander Bond. His plant design masterclass is filled with tips for getting the most out of your workspace with plants. We've highlighted a few for you here:
Think of your plants as the most important feature in the space. We're so used to thinking of them as a side issue, but if you focus your home office around your plants, the whole area will immediately feel a lot more natural and free.
Choose the right plant. Alexander agrees that different plants provoke different emotions, and it's a good idea to decide which you want to introduce into your work environment. One way to find out is to visualise in a moment of stillness the atmosphere that you wish to work in, then make a conscious choice to bring the associated plant to work with you.
Be tactile with your plant. A plant with soft leaves by your desk is a good idea as touching it will reconnect you with nature.
If we use our green friends correctly, we can definitely cope better with the working from home. Everything about the concept and the background of Plant Design can be read here.
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Can't get enough of Plant Design? Discover more tips and tricks to deal creatively with space and plants, or discover 7 hacks to get you started in the world of Plant Design. Or view the Plant Design dossier for more information and masterclasses from Plant Design experts. Share your greenery with us on Instagram and Facebook with the hashtags #thejoyofplants and #plantdesign?