Tiki mythology
Polynesian mythology is the great source of inspiration for the tiki art form. Mythological figures are cut or carved out of wood or stone. The emphasis is often on nature and the ocean. Earth and water… Hang on, the penny’s dropped! Suddenly it’s no surprise that there are a host of tiki vases and plant pots available.
Mad about tiki
The tiki trend is one that needs to be handled with caution. Before you know it, you’ll be surfing through the house in your Hawaiian shirt with Beach Boys songs in the background, and drinking your coffee not out of a mug but out of a coconut {link: fill fruit vase article}. That might be going a bit too far. But lending a tiki twist to the nature in your home is great fun. Vases, plant pots, etagères, complete plant containers with a built-in waterfall - there’s nothing that isn’t available with a touch of tiki.
Do it yourself
Of course you can also do it yourself. A substantial kentia palm or banana plant serves as a palm tree, so that’s that aspect covered. You can make exotic vases out of fruit. Obviously you don’t throw the fruit away - use it for a delicious snack. Or even better: as garnish for your over-the-top tiki cocktail.
Fancy giving your plants a tropical twist? You can buy a suitable tiki-inspired plant pot on Etsy: