Autumn has begun, but that doesn't mean the blooming season is over! Green-white autumn bloomers effortlessly refresh your autumn garden. Combine Skimmia, lush hydrangea and heather for a beautiful contrast of shapes and textures.

Soft grey is sweet
Silver-coloured plants are an extremely calming presence in the garden. We combined at this mix of silver bush, blue Fescue, silver Ragwort and Centaurea gymnocarpa, each in individual grey-coloured pots. The overall effect is one of pure peace, and perfect for a mindfulness practise such as this one.

White in the darkness
When the flowers have died back and the sun has gone in, our gardens can begin to look at bit gloomy. It's understandable — but it's not inevitable. These plants with whiter-than-white flowers bring light to the darkness, especially when you give them a place in a white pot. We used hellebore or Christmas rose, autumn violets and Eucalyptus, a trio of plants that are an excellent remedy for the autumn blues.

The convenience of grey
Grey up your garden table with chic sedum varieties, such as Sedum spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco', Sedum spathulifolium 'Purpureum' and Sedum sieboldii. Sedum is a self-reliant kind of plant, so you don't have to worry about it, and can relax instead. Why not spend your time on some other green chores, such as creating an outdoor border or making a winter Christmas wreath.
What does your autumn garden look like? Share your photo with #thejoyofplants on our Instagram and Facebook pages.