Shop your favourite pink plant
So that you don't just end up dreaming about that elusive pink plant that you saw once on Instagram, we’ve drawn up a list of pink plants that you can actually find in the shops (plant shops, garden centres or florists). We’re finding it impossible to choose. Which plant will you pick?
Cordyline Kiwi

We’ve known for a long time that green and pink combine beautifully. This plant features pink linings rather than silver around its fresh green leaves.
Cordyline fruti Mambo

Cordyline Kiwi’s fluorescent sister. Cordyline Mambo’s edges almost glow in the dark: there's always someone who has to go one better.
Tradescantia flum Quadricolor

This Tradescantia is incredibly popular. Every leaf is a colourful work of art. This plant grows vigorously and bizarrely, with zigzag stems and spear-shaped leaves which can contain a hint of pink or purple, but also a shimmer of silver and gold.
Fittonia Mosaic Pink Forest Flame

Its small size means you can always find a place for this little pink pearl. Try placing them together in a group in different pots or standing alone on a kitchen shelf.
Ficus Elastica Belize

Good looks and even better characteristics, because out of all the ficuses, the rubber plant is great at removing toxic particles from the air at home. A heavenly air purifier.
Hoya Carnosa Tricolor

Hanging, standing, in a pot with feet or along the edge of your bath: this beautiful hanging plant always does well with its lively pink leaves. The waxy leaves help to retain water, so that the Hoya only needs watering occasionally. A small splash once a week is enough. That’s handy! Or rather - Hoya!
Calathea Triostar

Last but not least, this beauty with creamy white pink leaves. As soon as the sun comes out in the morning, those fabulous leaves opens up to catch the light, and at night they close again. That’s how your plant keeps fit, and you can enjoy all the colours that this plant has to offer.