If the following statements sound frighteningly familiar, it’s time to admit your love of gardening is more than a hobby – it’s an addiction. But don’t worry, as obsessions go, it’s a pretty healthy one!
- From books and gardening gloves to secateurs, all of your birthday and Christmas presents are gardening related.
- When you look around a friend’s new home, you immediately go to check out the garden and start asking questions about soil type.
- Your idea of a dream shopping-trip is one spent at your favourite garden centre.
- You have been known to talk to your plants.
- You can’t walk down the street without surreptitiously checking out the plants in every garden.
- When you go on holiday, you pine for your garden (and record every episode of Gardener’s World).
- When you go to the shops, you forget half of what you went for but come home with two new plants.
- When everyone around you is complaining about the rain in summer, you’re openly rejoicing.
- You find yourself patting the surface of your friends’ houseplant soil when they’re not looking, to make sure they’re being watered properly.
- You don’t see dead leaves – you see compost!
- You’d rather sit there browsing a seed catalogue than scrolling through Facebook.
- All the neighbours come to you with their gardening queries and woes.
- You frequently dream of quitting in your job and setting up your own gardening business.
- Most of your holiday snaps are of the local plants and flowers.
- When you go on a day-trip, you always incorporate a visit to the nearest public gardens.
Sound familiar? Confess, tweet us what it is that makes you a gardening addict.